Donnerstag, 24.10.2024 16:32 Uhr

San Fruttuoso

Verantwortlicher Autor: Cortellessa Ciro Italia, 05.07.2024, 08:58 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Viaggi e Turismo Bericht 5624x gelesen
Abbazia di San Fruttuoso
Abbazia di San Fruttuoso  Bild: Cortellessa Ciro

Italia [ENA] Nestled between the sea and the mountains of the Italian Riviera, the Abbey of San Fruttuoso stands as a testament to centuries of history and architectural splendor. This hidden gem, accessible only by boat or hiking, offers visitors a unique glimpse into the past amidst breathtaking natural beauty

The Abbey of San Fruttuoso is located in the bay of the same name, between Camogli and Portofino, on the Ligurian Riviera. It can be reached on foot via the Sentiero degli Dei from Camogli or Portofino, offering a breathtaking hike. Alternatively, you can take a boat from Camogli, Santa Margherita Ligure, or Rapallo. San Fruttuoso, a Spanish bishop and martyr from the 3rd century, is the saint to whom the abbey is dedicated. Built in the 11th century by Benedictine monks, it features Romanesque style with Gothic influences. The structure has undergone various modifications over the centuries but retains its original charm. Nestled in a unique natural setting, the abbey is a significant historical and architectural treasure.

San Fruttuoso, the bay of San Fruttuoso with its splendid abbey and pebble beach
San Fruttuoso, Torre Andrea Doria, erected in 1562 by the admiral's heirs, Giovanni Andrea and Pagano
Interior of the abbey

Some parts of the building date back to the Middle Ages, while others exhibit Romanesque architecture, and inside are the tombs of the noble Doria family of Genoa. In the past, before nature created the beach, boats would dock directly under the supporting arches of the monastery, allowing sailors to disembark immediately into the cellars. Even today, when visiting San Fruttuoso, you can walk under these arches and see some boats resting on the stones, sheltered from the elements. In San Fruttuoso, the abbey is undoubtedly the main attraction. With a reasonably priced ticket, visitors can explore the interior of the monastery and the 16th-century watchtower located a short distance from the main structure.

San Fruttuoso, le trifore dell'abbazia di San Fruttuoso
an Fruttuoso, Torre Andrea Doria, eretta nel 1562 dagli eredi dell'ammiraglio, Giovanni Andrea e Pagano
San Fruttuoso, reti di pescatori locali stese ad asciugare sotto le volte dell'Abbazia

Besides the abbey, San Fruttuoso also hosts the Christ of the Abyss, a statue with deep symbolic meaning, placed on the seabed off the coast of the beach. A visit to the Abbey of San Fruttuoso is not only a journey through history but also an opportunity to admire the natural beauty and tranquility of this unique place.

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